Römheld GmbH Friedrichshütte
Römheldstr. 1-5, 35321 Laubach, Germany
Managers authorized for representation:
Philipp Ehrhardt, Nico Hanke, Julia Reichert, Oliver Schneider
Register court:
Amtsgericht Gießen
Register number:
HRB 691
Sales tax identification number:
(according to § 27 a sales tax law)
DE 112629413
Responsible person for the content:
(according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV)
Nico Hanke
Hilma-Römheld GmbH
Auf der Landeskrone 2, 57234 Wilnsdorf, Germany
Managers authorized for representation:
Nico Hanke
Register court:
Amtsgericht Siegen
Register number:
HRB 3736
Sales tax identification number:
(according to § 27 a sales tax law)
DE 126579981
Stark Spannsysteme GmbH
Römergrund 14, 6830 Rankweil, Austria
Managers authorized for representation:
Martin Greif
Register court:
Handelsgericht Feldkirch, Österreich
Register number:
FN: 65384d
Sales tax identification number:
(according to § 27 a sales tax law)
GAL Digital GmbH – Unter den Linden 26, 35410 Hungen
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